Vet the Vote featured on Just Security

We are always honored when other incredible organizations, like Just Security, take note of and amplify our work. Thank you to Bishop Garrison, for this mention of Vet the Vote in the Just Security Veteran’s Day post, Why We Serve: Upholding the Democratic Process. We encourage all our readers to look at the article, as well as the other important work Just Security is doing.

“Nonpartisan groups like Vet The Vote came out this year as nonpolitical support, recruiting upwards of 63,000 volunteers – consisting of veterans and military family members – to serve as poll workers during this election. The United States’ electoral system has been challenged by a poll worker shortage brought on by abuse and dangerous attacks from supporters of unfounded conspiracies that past elections were unfair. Given the threats and potential dangers, many longtime volunteers decided the potential of unsafe environments created by these bad actors provided too much danger. In this difficult period, the veteran community stepped in and helped to protect and maintain the integrity of our system.”

Just Security is a forum promoting “the rigorous analysis of national security, foreign policy, and rights.” A big thank you to them and Bishop for their inclusion of Vet the Vote on this Veteran’s Day.


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Happy Veterans Day - our Op-Ed on poll working and how we protect our freedom