Happy Veterans Day - our Op-Ed on poll working and how we protect our freedom

Our co-Executive Director, Ellen Gustafson, was featured on We are the Mighty this Veteran’s Day in an op-ed she wrote, entitled How you can safeguard freedom with ‘Vet the Vote’. We’ve included an excerpt here, and invite you to read the rest of the post over at We are the Mighty and check out their incredible content about and for our community, all done by veterans and military family members.

“The majority of the folks we recruited had never served as a poll worker before. They shared that volunteering in this capacity was an honor and an extension of their service to the country in uniform. They connected a functional electoral system to a strong democracy. And they told us that they had taken an oath to protect this country from all enemies, including those who might try to meddle in our elections.”


Vet the Vote featured on Just Security


Making your vote count from overseas