What We Do

Our Work

Patriotic Civic Engagement

  • Vet the Vote

    Vet the Vote is a national coalition and campaign to recruit veterans and military family members to serve as next generation of poll workers.

    America is facing an ongoing poll worker crisis for the 2024 primaries and elections. In 2022, we recruited more than 63,000 volunteers from our community to serve as poll workers - and we’re just getting started. We must act on this challenge now or risk a vicious cycle of decreasing confidence in our democracy. There are more than 16 million veterans and millions of military family members committed to serving the country who can help break that cycle. We the Veterans is working with veteran and military family service organizations and other partners to mobilize our community.

    Learn more at vetthe.vote.

  • Vetted Conversations

    Vetted Conversations is an event and interview series using the voice of the Veteran and Military Family Community on topics of American civics and patriotic participation.

    The American citizenry at large looks to members of the military, veterans, and their families for cues and guidance regarding civics, how our government work and how to be a good citizen. Our community’s perceived knowledge of civic matters provides us with an outsized influence in our communities - a responsibility we must live up to. We want to increase positive participation and civic knowledge through a speaker series and educational podcast for our veteran and military family community.

    Check out the Vetted Conversations podcast- created to help Americans - especially our VMF community - better understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens and how they can get involved to reinforce our self-government and strengthen our republic. We are focused on increasing Americans’ patriotic knowledge to help create a more perfect union.

Support our work.

We the Veterans and Military Families believes that the veteran and military family community is uniquely positioned to lead in strengthening our nation, and we are building programs to empower them to do that in new and meaningful ways.

Your donation helps us build patriotic engagement programs, including our flagship program Vet the Vote, which is recruiting members of the veteran and military family community to serve as poll workers in the 2024 elections and beyond. We also convene organizations and leaders to work together on key issues affecting our community.