Our statement on the abhorrent attack on former President Trump

July 13, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C., July 13, 2024 - We the Veterans and Military Families unequivocally stands against politically motivated violence. Attacks on candidates for office and election officials is an attack on all of us. They are attacks on our very system of self government. We condemn today's attack on the former President in the strongest possible terms and commend responding law enforcement officials for containing the threat quickly. We hope all injured in today's attack recover quickly and our hearts go out to the families of the deceased.

We look forward to learning the findings of the ongoing Federal Bureau of Investigation and Secret Service's investigation into today's attack, and we encourage all Americans to pause and think before reacting.

We the Veterans and Military Families renews its call on all political leaders, candidates, and civic leaders to maintain restraint in their rhetoric, be cognizant of the potential impacts of divisiveness, and denounce political violence in all forms. Many veterans have witnessed violence first hand while deployed to countries torn by political strife, and we never want to see such violence within our communities. As our fellow Americans consider who will lead our nation in this next election, we all have a role to play in ensuring a peaceful, free, and fair election consistent with our national values.

Violence has no place in our society, and we all must stand together as Americans to uphold the principles of self governance, justice, and peace.

About: We the Veterans and Military Families was founded in 2021 by veterans and military family members. Our mission is to empower the veteran and military family community to strengthen America by promoting patriotic participation. In 2022, WtV&MF organized the 37 member Vet the Vote Coalition and have since recruited more than 135,000 veterans and family members to serve as volunteer election poll workers nationwide.

Media Contact

LtCol. Joe Plenzler, USMC (ret.): joe.plenzler@wetheveterans.us


Veteran and Military Family Groups Condemn Political Violence in Joint Statement


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