Looking left and right
We wanted to share the drive behind Vet the Vote - that veterans and military family members want to support their communities and our democracy. As in the military, we look out for the person on our left and on our right; at home we do the same. We look out for our community - regardless if someone votes left or right. Civics comes first.
As veterans and military family members, our service continues as the new generation of poll workers. Vote, Volunteer, and Support those who do.
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In the military, we didn’t just fight for our country.
We fought for our buddies to our left and to our right.
There’s a sense of camaraderie that comes with military service. At home, we feel a similar sense of community when it’s time to vote, and we step up to support our neighbors: the people to our left and to our right.
As veterans and military family members, our service continues as the new generation of poll workers, because whether you vote left or vote right, we’re all in this together.
Vote. Volunteer. Support those who do.