ICYMI: Ellen Gustafson in Detroit News: Veterans and Military Families Continue Service to Country as a Poll Worker This Fall

DETROIT – In a new op-ed for Detroit News, We the Veterans Co-founder and Co-executive Director Ellen Gustafson explains how our nation’s veterans and military families are uniquely qualified to serve as poll workers and can help close the critical gap in the national poll worker shortage leading up to this November’s elections. 


“Who better to fill this void than our nation’s veterans and military families - the men and women who not only have already answered the call of duty, but whose public perceptions are overwhelmingly positive,” writes Ellen Gustafson, a Navy spouse and co-founder and co-executive director of We the Veterans and the Vet the Vote project. “Today, there are more than 18 million living veterans in the United States or 6% of the country’s adult population and an estimated 25 million family members. By virtue of volunteering for military service, they have already answered the call of civic duty. There is no better group to help ensure that the republic they were willing to fight to protect is operating smoothly at home. Having faced down tyranny abroad, they will not be intimidated by partisan antagonists here at home. For military spouses and families, volunteering as poll workers is a way to continue the sacrifice they have demonstrated during their loved ones’ military service.” 


Ellen Gustafson’s full piece in Detroit News can be found here.


Vet the Vote Coalition, a group of military and veteran organizations, alongside civic partners including NASCAR, the NFL and U.S. Chamber of Commerce, are working to recruit veterans and military families to sign up to serve as poll workers. This year, Vet the Vote has recruited over 140,000 poll workers across the country. 





We the Veterans and Military Families is a nonpartisan organization created by veterans and military members. More information about the organization can be found at WetheVeterans.us  


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