Field Notes: Vet the Vote New Hampshire

On Saturday, October 7th, Vet the Vote co-hosted an event with New Hampshire Secretary of State Scanlan and Merrimack, NH Moderator Lynn Christensen and a dozen Granite State veterans who are serving again as poll workers.

This event allowed veterans and any other interested members of the public the opportunity to walk through a mock polling place set up for election day and staffed with local veterans who have volunteered to be poll workers. New Hampshire election officials and Vet the Vote poll workers explained the process, procedures and voting machines to participants each step of the way and answered questions. The goal of the event was not only to encourage veterans to volunteer as poll workers, but also to explain how the election day process works in New Hampshire.

This unique event also featured some Patriots legends, Patrick Pass (three-time Super Bowl champion), Roland James, and Ronnie Lippett!

Secretary of State Scanlan and our Co-Founder, Ellen Gustafson emphasized the critical role veterans play in upholding the integrity of elections and encouraged their involvement in various election-related positions.

Read more about the event here!

And Check out our LOCAL news coverage in Merrimack and NATIONAL news coverage on NBC.


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